Documentation Guide¶
This documentation uses Sphinx. In this section you will find out how to build and localize this documentation.
It is configured to be deployed in multi-language environment using read the docs.
To build the documentation you need:
installed. You can install it using sudo apt-get install build-essential on linux.- You will need also to install these extensions, using pip
pip install sphinx
pip install sphinx_rdt_theme
pip install recommonmark
The main build, multi-language, is made by You can build the documentation in english, locally for testing, you can run:
cd docs # change directory in docs folder
make html # builds html version of the documentation
See the next section to see how to build the documentation localized.
To localize this documentation install sphinx-intl:
sudo pip install sphinx-intl
Every time you have to update the translation files you have to update the .po files running the following commands:
cd docs # all commands must run in docs directory
make gettext # generates .pot files
sphinx-intl update -p build/gettext -l fr # generate .po files for fr lang
Then you can edit the .po files and commit them
To generate the documentation locally for the you can run (on linux)
sphinx-build -b html -D language=fr source build/html/fr
This will generate mo files that should be ignored in .gitignore